Friday, May 1, 2009

Recyle MORE Materials: KC Curbside Recycleing

Additional items to be accepted starting May 1

The City of Kansas City, Mo., Public Works Department has announced that KC Recycles will continue to provide weekly curbside recycling under a new agreement with Town and Country Disposal of Western, Missouri Inc.

Starting May 1, the KC Recycles curbside program will accept a wider range of materials, including cardboard egg cartons, clean pizza boxes and shredded paper contained in a labeled paper bag. A list of accepted materials and instructions can be found online at

"By partnering with Town and Country, the City has been able to preserve and expand a program that is popular with many residents," said Michael Shaw, Manager of the City's Solid Waste Division. "Maintaining this program is consistent with the City's commitment to sustainable practices."

Resident's of Kansas City should see no interruption in service and are encouraged to use the KC Recycles curbside service or drop-off centers whenever possible. Each year, KC Recycles diverts more than 19,000 tons of recyclables from local landfills.

Media inquiries about KC Recycles and the City's Solid Waste Division should be directed to Dennis Gagnon, public information officer for the Public Works Department, (816) 513-2659.