Tuesday, November 8, 2011

T-shirt to Promote "East of Troost"

T- S H I R T S P R O M O T E E A S T O F T R O O S T

Charles Brown thinks that more people should embrace
living east of Troost. After all,he does.

Brown grew up in Overland Park, Kansas, but now feels
at home in a house two blocks from Troost Avenue.
He says he loves the diversity of the people and the businesses nearby.

When not selling dental insurance or designing furniture for
PK Steel Designs, a company that he co-owns with his
friend Jakob Goldman, he’s designing shirts which displays the names of main arteries familiar to those who travel on the eastside...Troost, Paseo and Prospect.

Brown is selling his shirts through 7th Heaven at 7621 Troost, or by contacting him
directly at pksteelfurniture@gmail.com

( article from Marlborough Community Coalition newsletter)