Sunday, November 6, 2011


How it Works
It's easy! Simply present your card, provided to you in a joint effort of your local county government and the National Association of Counties (NACo), at a retail participating pharmacy and save an average of 24% on your prescription drugs. No enrollment form, no membership fee.

Click here to obtain a card of your own.

Click here to learn more about this free program.

Questions and Answers: click here
Can I use this card to get discounts on my pet’s medication(s)?
Yes, if your pet has been prescribed a medication that is also used to treat a human condition, you may receive a discount on the medication by taking the prescription to a participating retail pharmacy.

This is not insurance; it is a prescription discount program.

Can I use my prescription discount card with my current insurance benefit to reduce my costs?
Your card cannot be used in conjunction with insurance. However, you are able to use your card to purchase prescriptions that are not covered by these plans.

Can I still use my prescription discount card if I sign up for a Medicare prescription plan?
Yes, you can use your prescription discount card anytime you need to purchase a prescription that is not covered by your Medicare prescription plan or any other insurance.