Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Special Master Gardener Training at Southeast Community Center, Swope Park

This winter, the University of Missouri Extension Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City program will begin a special Master Gardener Training for midtown and downtown residents starting February 27, 2010.

The classes, taught by University of Missouri Extension faculty, will be held every Saturday from 9am-4pm for 8 weeks till April 24th (omitting Sat., March 13th). The eight-week training program will be held at the Southeast Community Center (4201 NW 63rd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64151) in Swope Park.

There will be an Open House on January 23rd from 10am - 12 noon at the Southeast Community Center. This is a great opportunity to learn about the Master Gardener program, training, volunteer opportunities, and to pick up an application. All interested persons are invited. Applications are due February 1, 2010. For more information about the Open House, contact Molly Fusselman at

Program fee is $150. Eight to ten, 50% scholarships will be available upon approval.

Training topics include:

* Basic plant anatomy and functions,
* Maintaining healthy soil,
* Fruit and vegetable gardening,
* Lawn care,
* Tree and shrub care,
* Landscape design,
* Growing annuals and perennials and
* Basic plant pathology

Trained Master Gardeners become volunteers of MU Extension and help in sharing research-based horticulture information with the public. Forty-five hours of volunteer service are expected the first year and 25 hours in subsequent years to maintain the Master Gardener badge. After the first year, 6 hours of continuing education are required.

Master Gardeners educate the public on gardening, answer gardening questions and contribute to their communities through volunteer service projects. Local Master Gardener activities include: MG Hotline [(816) 833-8733]; Speakers Bureau; Garden Tour/Plant Sale; demonstration gardens; and special events. Community projects include Swope Park demonstration garden, Watkins Woolen Mill heirloom garden, Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary, Harvesters and more.

If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener, contact Lala Kumar, MU Extension horticulture specialist, at (816) 252-5051 or