Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Activities/Services - Neighborhood Churches

As a "public" service, we are letting you know of church services in the neighborhood during this Christmas season. If you don't have a church home, or perhaps because of bad weather would rather attend services close to the neighborhood, please consider any of the below options:

Saturday, December 18th - 7:00 pm
Christmas Play
Admission: FREE
Evangel Spiritual Temple
8448 Flora

Sunday, December 19th - 10:00 am
Christmas Contata featuring the Chancel Choir
South-Broadland Presbyterian Church
7850 Holmes

Sunday, December 19th - 6:30 pm
Living Nativity
Crossroads Church KC
7917 Main Street

Friday, December 24th (Christmas Eve) - 6:00 pm
Candlelight Service
South-Broadland Presbyterian Church
7850 Holmes

Friday, December 24th (Christmas Eve) - 6:30 pm
Candlelight Service with Communion
Crossroads Church KC
7917 Main Street

Be safe...and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

***** This postings information was provided by Marlborough Community Coalition****