Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Troost MAX coming soon. 50 percent finished

MAX Bus Rapid Transit was first introduced in Kansas City in the Main Street corridor in July 2005. MAX is helping to change the face of transit in Kansas City and has been held up as a national model by the Federal Transit Administration. Ridership has grown more than 40% in the Main Street MAX corridor.

Troost MAX construction work is progressing rapidly and is now approximately 50% complete. The 75th & Troost Metro Station (NE Corner) began construction June 14th and is expected to be completed in October. The 75th Street facility will be the south turnaround point for MAX although every third bus will continue south to Bannister Road and to the former Bannister Mall area. MAX will run about every 10 minutes most of the day with Route 25 running approximately every 30 minutes.

Art will be a prominent feature on the MAX on Troost. Three pieces of public art will be located at MAX stations, and the new Troost Bridge over Brush Creek will also incorporate art. Sculptures will be installed at the 31st, 39th and 75th street stations. The artists for each site have drawn on community input and local history to create interesting and compelling works. At the 75th Street Metro Station turnaround, David Dahlquist's piece will be a tribute to Kansas City's contribution to jazz. The work includes a piano-like structure with LED lighting. MAX is scheduled to begin operating later this year.