Event: 2nd Annual Trash Worker’s Appreciation Day Event
To: You and your neighbors
Date: October 24th, 2007
Time: 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM
Place: Greg Klice Community Center
1600 E. 17 Terrace
Hosted by: Kansas City Neighborhood Advisory Council (KCNAC) and the
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Why: This is our chance again this year to thank the workers that keep our
City’s trash picked up on a regular schedule regardless of the
conditions. We know it’s not an easy job. This event was a huge success last year! Join us again in the spirit of working together to continue to make Kansas City a great place to live and work.
What to Besides your smiling face, we’re asking neighborhood folks to bring
bring: a snack such as veggies, fruit, cheese & crackers, chips and dip, cookies or a dessert to share and add to the festivities.
Who to Contact: Tammy Gay - 816-333-4410
Kansas City Trash Trivia:
- Each day an average of 430 tons of trash from 10,000 homes.
- Each day 80 tons of recyclables are picked up.